Projects, Hardware, Software, Homemade Z80 systems
- Article about how to make a Z80 multitask system.
- Z80 multitasking robot system 3 microphones for direction
control, wireless remote and more.
- Z80 Source Code for Interfacing 4Mb Drams, Development System
About 15 years of Z80 code ramblings including Z80 Tiny Basic.
- Z80 Systems without alterable Memory explains how to
make it more efficient than most Memory Systems.
- Z80 SRAM This page shows how it is possible to connect a
SRAM and an EPROM in series (?) for a Z80 processor system.
- Z80 bootloader Boot the Z80 CPU from PC via LPT complete
Docs and Software (Pascal).
- Z80 CPU Controller Project Z80 based control unit primarily
designed for operating and monitoring various aspects of home life.
- Schematics, PCB-Layout, etc for a small Z80 system by Mario Prato.
- First Z80 System by Thomas Scherrer.
- Z80 NICD Computer Super smart NICD computer charger.
by Thomas Scherrer and Kenny Andersen.
- The G.I.D.E., Generic IDE interface for Z80
machines, by Tilmann Reh.
- The REH CPU280:
- REH CPU280,
including information on the system originally designed by Tilmann Reh as well as new builds by
the group.
- REH CPU280 documentation by Helmut Jungkunz (in German).
- The P112 CPU Board, a
Z80182 system by Dave Brooks.
- T80 CPU,
Configurable cpu core that supports Z80, 8080 and gameboy instruction sets.
- The Alice II Z80 based computer,
by Brad Grantham and Lawrence Kesteloot.
- Z80 ISA Card by Jim Delaney (zip archive, 7.3M),
for more information please look here.
- Homebrew z80 system by
Steve Maddison, including hardware details and all schematics, as well
as a simple operating system for low-spec computers named FOCUS.
nopLabs eZ80L92 Based 50Mhz CP/M Computer
Retrobrew Computers Z80/Z180 SBCs (formerly the N8VEM Single Board Computer).
Dom's Homebrew Z80.
Arthur-PC - a HD64180 based computer.
Z.E.D Machine, by YT2095.
Wishbone High Performance Z80 at
- A tiny z80 based computer, by Vaxman.
- The Z80_mini, by Vaxman.
- Z80 Single Board Computer, including TFT display with ILI9325 controller.
Jazz Disassemblies
- Homebrew Z80 Computer, by Marton Kun-Szabo.
- Homebrew Z80 CPU on FPGA implementing ZX Spectrum, by Goran Devic.
- EFEX Z80 Single Board Microcomputer
- The Z80 Membership Card - The Membership Card is a complete computer
that fits in an Altoids tin. By Lee Hart.
- 8-bit computer from scratch -
C-Z80 Computer by Michal Cierniak.
- Z-80 Microcomputer Project J89 - by Jack Engqvist Johansson.
Z80 Monitor Type Operating System and SBC, by mkpeker. See also:
Efex V4 Z80 Computer.
- ZX-Uno (ZX Spectrum Computer Clone Based on
FPGA, with precise descriptions of the Spectrum and Amstrad machines done by reverse engineering.
- Z80 Microprocessor Kit, for self-learning how
to build and how to program the Z80 microcomputer.
- RC2014, a simple 8 bit Z80 based modular computer.
- A 4$, 4ICs, Z80 homemade computer on breadboard.
- LiNC80 SBC1, 8-bit microcomputer kit, featuring a Z80 processor. By Jon Langseth.
- Z280RC, A CP/M-ready, Z280-based SBC for RC2014 bus.
- ZZ80RC, Z280-based SBC in Z80-compatible mode (8-bit) for RC2014.
- RetroShield Z80 for Arduino Mega. A real Z80 chip executes programs while Arduino emulates ROM/RAM/peripherals.
- Retro Z80 computer with CP/M-80. Includes instructions how to get CP/M running on a SD card. By Stuart Ball.
- S80 computer - A retro Z80 with memory mapping by Filip Pynckels.
- CRISS CP/M, a modern single-board eight-bit personal computer with great capabilities.
- Ayusha-Z80, single board CP/M compatible computer by RW6HRM. Page in Russian only.
- The ZedRipper: Part 1, with a 16-core Z80 processor running at 83.33 MHz.
- socz80, a Z80 retro microcomputer for the Papilio Pro FPGA board.
- S-100 Z80 CPU Board, by John Monahan.
- Z80-Pascal, a cross-platform Pascal compiler for Z80 based devices.
- Z80 C compiler using LLVM.
Tom's SBC version C | Small Computer Central.
- RTM-Z80, Retro Tiny Multitasking system for Z80 based computers.
Proton Z80 Modular Computer, by Ricardo Kaltchuk. A demonstration video for this computer can be found
eZ80 projects
The MakerLisp Machine is a portable, modular computer system in a 2" x 3.5" package.
- Z20X Open-Source Computing System, a simple expandable DIY computing system, built around the eZ80 microprocessor.
MIC8O, a controller board that would allow the simple addition of specialized hardware support to a standard personal computer using IP over Ethernet.
- CP/M 50 Mk II,
a one square inch 50MHz Z80-compatible CP/M computer built from stocked parts. Like its predecessor, the Mk II is based on the Zilog eZ80L92 microprocessor.
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